VP-6 “Junior Officers Protection Association”
“JOPA” Patch, late 1980s-1990s
Patch submitted by Reed Smith
VP-6 TACCO Patch 1960
In January 1960, VP-6 got newly equipped P2V-5FS (Jets) and Julie (active PDC tracking subs) and Jezebel (passive grams and writeouts) Equipment. All crews had three Pilots (before the days of NFOs). We went to two weeks of J/J School in San Diego. We returned to Barber's Point and flew submarine flights day and night for 11 days. I was junior in Crew 12 (ALL DAY/NIGHT Patch) and was the designated Tactical Coordinator. In those days all Pilots went through Celestial Navigation Training in Corpus Christi, TX. We shared navigation duties on long flights, but the junior Pilot was the ONLY qualified Tactical Coordinator. I designed the patch for all of the Third Pilots (Tactical Coordinators). Bob Burroughs

VP-6 Squadron Patch WESTPAC 1992

VP-6 Squadron patch circa early 1980s “Jaws” shark

VP-6 Squadron Patch Circa early 1980s Harpoon Missile

VP-6 Squadron Patch 1987

VP-6 Squadron patch 1986 Cubi Point Philippines made “NKR”

VP-6 AIMD WESTPAC Patch 1984-1985

VP-6 Squadron Patch 1962
Submitted and designed by Bob Burroughs

VP-6 “Tin Benders” AM Shop Patch 1958
Patch submitted by Larry Nye

VP-6 Squadron Patch 1956
Submitted by Bob Dell

VP-6 Squadron Patch Korean War - Japan made

VP-6 Squadron “Popeye” patch late 1940s to 1950s
AL3 Dick Colley’s patch submitted by Tom Colley

got doing a SAR close in to Northern Vietnam in 1984
Submitted by Terry Snyder |
Norb Okoniewski ADC USN RET.
Submitted by Norb Okoniewski ADC USN RET.
Submitted by Norb Okoniewski ADC USN RET.
Submitted by Norb Okoniewski ADC USN RET.