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“The World Famous Blue Sharks” (1943-1993) PATRON SIX“
“This site is dedicated to preserving the history and memories of the shipmates of Patrol Squadron SIX.”


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This is the official website of the PATRON SIX BLUE SHARKS ASSOCIATION, a nonprofit, mutual benefit, veterans organization comprised of members who were attached to United States Navy, Aircraft Squadron, Patrol Squadron Six.

The Association was established on October 22, 2003 as filed with the Orange County Clerk-Recorder, Santa Ana, CA.


Re-establish and maintain the camaraderie developed among members of Patrol Squadron Six (VP-6), preserve the history of the squadron, facilitate contact between VP-6 squadron mates and support and report on the Association and Era Group reunions.

Membership :

Membership in THE ASSOCIATION is extended to all persons who were assigned or attached to VB-146, VPB-146, VP-ML-6 or VP-6. THE ASSOCIATION also accepts those surviving dependents of previous active members. Honorary membership may be bestowed upon any individual recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the President for his or her interest, contribution and promotion of the objectives of THE ASSOCIATION.

All INITIAL membership fees will have a one-time $15 setup charge.

First Year $25

Annual Dues $10 

LIFETIME dues are per the table below:

To age 40 $160.00

From 41 to 50 $140.00

From 51 to 60 $120.00

From 61 to 65 $100.00

From 66 to 70 $80.00

71 and older $60.00

Collected funds are used for mailing expenses, to provide seed money to purchase discount quantities of patches and other squadron logo items, and to maintain the Associations web site.

New Member Signup / Information